Writing Lessons from the Existentialists

For the past few weeks, I’ve been reading about Existentialism. A thought clicked while I was reading: There’s a very prominent tie to writing within this particular philosophy because much of it relates to how we describe and interpret the world around us (through words.)

This is relevant not just to folks who consider themselves writers by trade or hobby, but to all of us. We all communicate with others through the medium of words—and the better we are at doing that, the more clearly and effectively we can share what’s inside our minds.The question is: How?

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How to Write a Stellar About Page

Writing About page copy is something a lot of people struggle with, because:

  1. It feels gross and weird to write about yourself

  2. It’s hard to know what’s too much (or too little) information

  3. You don’t want to creep people out or scare people off by over-sharing

And these are just a few of the things that trip people up when they sit down to write this particular page.

BUT! Don’t worry. I’m gunna help you with a few easy suggestions. Let’s get right to ‘em.

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Why You Need to Rhyme

Hope you're doing okay right now. If you're like me, maybe you too are having trouble sleeping and feel like your anxiety is at an all-time high with everything that's going on. You're not alone in that.

That said, I've been working to keep the worries at bay. Which brings us to today's topic.

Sylvia Plath.
Notorious B.I.G.
Bob Dylan.

What do they all have in common?

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How to Write Click-Worthy Headlines

Writing headlines, article titles, and email subject lines...it’s friggin’ HARD.

I always save this task for last because I often struggle to figure out the best way to summarize what I’ve just written about in a way that’s interesting, but not crossing the line into the territory of spammy.

(Because, is there anything worse than clickbait? Nerp.)

So are there any formats or formulas for crafting headlines that get clicked (and read?)

Glad you asked. There most certainly are...and these are some of my go-tos.

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How to Develop Your Own Writing Voice

I have a thing for writers with a very signature writing voice.

You know what I’m talking about. There are certain writers that you can hear in your head as you read. It’s as if they were right in front of you, telling a story or entertaining a small crowd.

There’s definitely an element of showmanship to stylized writing: It performs for the reader/listener. It pauses. It has asides with the audience. It builds anticipation and delivers solid punchlines.

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In-Depth Writing Lessons on Empathy, Scarcity, and Conversion-Driving

I feel like it’s been a bit since I’ve given you a really valuable, tactical, science-backed writing lesson.

So today, I want you to pick your own adventure.

Below, you'll find my three best, most in-depth posts on writing.

Choose the one that best lines up with whatever you need help with this week (or could use a little refresher on.) Here are your options:

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How to Get Your Ideas Out of Your Head and Onto the Page

In most cases, here’s the general rub: You have a few general ideas you’d love to dive into in writing...but translating them into actual sentences (that flow well, use proper grammar, tell a story, etc.)...that’s hard.

The bad news is there’s no quick fix. I can’t snap my fingers or wiggle my nose and solve this for you. However, you can start chipping away at the roadblocks that go along with this issue. You do that by working through some of the things that can trip you up along the way to getting your butt in a chair and writing the thing you wanna write.

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