I Hired an Editor. Here's Why.

I spend a lot of time editing these days. I mean…a LOT.

Whether it’s a draft or an outline from a subcontractor, a podcast write-up for our side business Content Remix, or just a final read-through on a super long-form post, the reality is: I’ve been spending hours each day staring at words on a screen.

After experiencing some burnout and feeling overwhelmed, I decided it was time to outsource some of the heavy lifting when it comes to editing.

The reality is: When you’ve stared at a piece for a long time, your eyes kind of glaze over. You’re too “in it” to see the content with fresh eyes and a sharp mind.

So, I hired an editing service: Chatty.

About the Editing Service I Use

Chatty is founded by an editor I’ve worked with in the past, Kieran Tie.

He’s got a great eye for catching not just the little tweaks needed for flow, tone consistency, and grammatical perfection, but he always gives great notes that poke holes in my writing to make it stronger, more in-depth, and more valuable for readers.

When I heard he was launching this subscription-based editing service, it seemed like the perfect fit for what I needed.

I opted for the Pro plan ($799/mo) which does cut into my profits a bit, but the quality boost it’s provided is worth it and then some. This tier includes 2-3 day turnaround times and a dedicated editor for my work.

Plus: Now I can market this editing extra that’s included with my rates as a value-add for the clients I work with.

Perks of Outsourcing my Editing

Having a professional editor review my pieces before they’re turned in means less editing work for them (and no silly mistakes slipping through on my end.)

As a writer, there’s not a whole lot you can do when it comes to boosting efficiency aside from having a documented process/workflow and being heads-down during the workday.

BUT! Taking this one small piece of daily work off my plate has freed up a few hours every week, which has already made a huge difference. It gives me more mental bandwidth to think big-picture about my business and has already lowered my stress levels quite a bit.

Now I can do my final read-through and send off first drafts that are damn close to ready-to-publish versions. And, um…what client doesn’t love that?

If this is something you’re considering for 2022, I can’t recommend this service enough. I’m a few weeks in and I can already tell this was a smart move not just for improving the quality of my work, but for my mental health, too.

Here’s to finding better balance in the year ahead!